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There are hardly any items for sale beyond page 29 on the gallery here.

I have left so many sold items on show (and in the sold archive) as many collectors have said they find such photos and information useful to have.


5694.**SOLD** Funerary cone for The Viceroy of Kush Merymose Merymose

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A good example of a funerary cone for

The Viceroy of Kush Merymose

Merymose was an important official from the time of Amenhotep III.

The viceroy of Kush was known as the 'King's Son of Kush' ('son' means that he was very important, not that he is the actual son of the king).

No doubt because of his close relationship with the king, he was granted a tomb at Thebes

which is TT383.
His sarcophagus is in the British museum.
His titles were King's son, overseer of the Southern Lands, overseer of the Gold Lands of Amun,

King's scribe, Overseer of king's scribes, Overseer of the treasury,

Steward of the peasantry (?), the Fan-bearer on the right side of the king, the Oldest of the Hall

100mm 65mm .

As so often the tip is missing.

New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Amenhotep III, 1390-1353 B.C.

Ref: The Viceroys of Ethiopia (II) by George A. Reisner The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 6, No. 1. (Jan., 1920), pp. 73-88.

Price: sold GBP

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