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 From marko1  

6th July 06

Just bought this amulet. 

Vendor suggests Theoris. 

I think it looks most like a Womble !

Perhaps Reshep ?




Could be!

But the head-dress is not right.



Actually it's a crowned Horus with a rather deteriorated

double crown. I forgot, I have one!


22nd August 06

This posting was a few months ago;I have moved it to here.

I am trying to find out about this lead plaque.

Said to have been found in Egypt in 1948 but this information cannot be taken as 100% reliable.

Quite solid and heavy. 27mmx 30mm. The writing appears to be (almost) Coptic, so I suppose that would make it Egyptian post c.300BC

Any ideas?


David McD has kindly drawn my attention to this other example.

In a Bulgarian collection and said to have been found in that country.

That actually makes sense to me in terms of the unsupported find provenence with mine; I think there has  been a mistake. It was not found in Egypt. Perhaps something else, some other example of ancient writing in this group of small antiquities, some of which I saw was found there, but it fits together: most of the other pieces were ex Balkans, and I suspect very strongly that so was this lead plaque.

  • Note the texts are the same but the last line on side A on the other is transposed to side B on my example.
  • If entirely fake, why would the non text be so carefully copied?
  • I suspect these are magical and are pseudo-texts. 


  Plinius asks

26th August 06
I have this item; duck shaped. I dont know what it is.Can someone help me in identifying it? The seller only said that it was 3rd century.

Rialtos wonders if it's a weight.

How much does it weigh?

  Plinius says

The weight of the artifact is 26,5 gr.
If it is a weight, could be the weight for a scale?





Interestingly, another similar shaped object though more obviously duck shaped.........

Linlin says

29th August 06


  Plinius has this

10th October 06


An animal for  sacred purposes (Lararium or something similar),  I don't know anynthing about its provenience, but I guess Northern Italy, Pianura Padana.

Interesting as it is not very Roman in style.

An attractive little thing.

Maybe someone will comment?



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