YOU ARE HERE:>>REAL or FAKE>>Fake shabtis section 2, page 4.


March 23rd 2008.

Try to remember these faces.

You will see them again.


They are making the rounds at the moment.

And being quite well done, are deceiving a lot of people.


At present there are two types, different surface treatments.

Take a closer look.


These are not faience.

They are made in a glass like frit.


Notice that this type is being advertised along with fake Padi Aset shabtis.

More about these types of fakes coming  soon.


From Tim.

8th April 08

More of these other T bar type fakes appearing.

This one on goantiqueslive.

That's  because these are coming from the same factory as one particular type of fake Padi Aset shabti.


12th May '10.


As I said at the top of this page over two years ago: "Remember these faces because you will see them again"

A large group of rather badly made fakes is being hawked around  at the moment;  including  a large number of the Padi Aset fakes along with the smaller ones shown on this page above. As I said, all from the same factory.


Fake shabtis , section 2, page 5



The Padi Aset forgeries