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Items in category SCARABS & SCARABOIDS:
1 - 16 of 61
6083. Nice scarab with a pseudo-cartouche
A good scarab with a pseudo-cartoucheThis is a fine little scarab where the imprint is unaffected by...
170 GBP
6105. **SOLD** Very large Egyptian steatite scarab
Very large Egyptian steatite scarabA pair of crocodilesNicely carved and with support frames at both...
6087. Nice scarab showing a pair of crocodiles.
A nice steatite scarab finely cut to show a pair of crocodiles tete-beche.Ankh signs on either side:...
235 GBP
6081. A rare scarab showing the god Khnum
A rather  nice faience scarab showing a couchant ram's headed sphinx, representing the god Khnu...
245 GBP
6084. Small unusual scaraboid
Small unusual scaraboidAn unusual shape with upright pointed ends.The cutting is a well known type: ...
195 GBP
6090. Egyptian scarab with rather unusual hieroglyph.
Egyptian steatite scarab with very unusual hieroglyph.I very seldom have come across  scarabs w...
220 GBP
6079. An interesting 19th dynasty hardstone hunt scene scarab.
An interesting 19th dynasty hardstone hunt scene scarab.Shows two animals, probably lions, one above...
245 GBP
6072. **SOLD** Egyptian scarab for Old Kingdom pharaoh Wenis.
Egyptian scarab for Old Kingdom pharaoh Wenis.These are rather rare on the marketHe was the ninth an...
sold GBP
608. **SOLD** Egyptian motto scarab with a wonderful inscription
A small Egyptian scarab with a wonderful inscriptionIt reads: n wpt htm hty-i wdnw imnThere are two ...
sold GBP
5986.**SOLD** A very rare type of Egyptian motto scarab
A very rare type of Egyptian motto scarab. The figures and  glyph are meant to read: â€...
6076. A good steatite scaraboid/cowroid for Thutmose III
A good steatite scaraboid/cowroid for Thutmose IIIHieroglyphs fairly roughly done;Nter Nfr MenKheper...
295 GBP
6071.**SOLD** Scarab for Ramesses The Great and king Seti I
Scarab for Ramesses The Great and king Seti It reads User Maat Re Setep En Re. (Beloved of Amun)It&n...
sold GBP
6073. **SOLD** Scarab of the Hyksos king Sheshi - Second Imtermediate Period
Scarab of the Hyksos king Sheshi - Second Imtermediate PeriodThe scarab reads Son of Re, Sheshi, Liv...
sold GBP
6038. *SOLD* Interesting, quite rare very small Middle Kingdom scarab
An interesting, quite rare very small Middle Kingdom scarab..These are referred to as 'rdi ra' type ...
sold GBP
5917. **SOLD** Interesting and rare type of motto scarab
Interesting and rare type of motto scarab In a greenish grey faience, the signs say 'Venerat...
sold GBP
5428. **SOLD** An extremely interesting scarab
An extremely interesting scarab made at a time of disunity in  Egypt.This finely made scar...
sold GBP
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