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Items in category Stone:
1 - 8 of 8
5260. Fine and fairly rare hardstone pesh-kef amulets.
A pair of very fine and fairly rare hardstone pesesh-kef amulets. The pesesh-kef was a stone...
from 195 GBP
6009. Stone mace head in an unusual stone
Stone mace head in an unusual stone In a very heavy stone and though with such high iron con...
295 GBP
6008 . Stone mace head: particularly nicely made.
Stone mace head: particularly nicely made. These are usually in a plain white stone but this ...
395 GBP
4252.**SOLD** Fine and rare Cippus of Horus.
A rather nice, small, and quite rare, Cippus of Horus in a hardstone which appears to be Feldspar. ...
sold GBP
5845. **SOLD** Superb stone amulet of crowned Horus falcon
A wonderfully made dark green-grey schist amulet of a the crowned Horus falcon. Truly a superb th...
sold GBP
1382.**SOLD** Extremely fine black stone Egyptian Djed amulet
This is one of the finest djed amulets I've ever had. In a black hardstone and very well made with g...
sold GBP
963a. **SOLD**Really very fine Egyptian hardstone Wadj amulet
This is a  superb blue veined feldspar amulet in the shape of a Wadj papyrus sceptre. It is in...
Escr538. **SOLD** VERY RARE OBJECT: Very fine INSCRIBED heart scarab
A fine green schist or possibly basalt inscribed heart scarab with 11 horizontal lnes of ve...
0.00 GBP

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