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There are hardly any items for sale beyond page 29 on the gallery here.

I have left so many sold items on show (and in the sold archive) as many collectors have said they find such photos and information useful to have.


4070. Han dynasty panels. JUSTABOUT GIVING AWAY!

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I'm just about giving these away!

I bought these in Hong Kong when passing through there several years ago.

It was rather costly to get them to the UK!

(As my wife said at the time: "you are crazy...."

And though I've sold a few, over the years the "you are crazy" has become

"please get rid of those things , I cant get down the alley way !" (Where they are stored under cover)

The photos are rather old. They are presently stored in a way that makes it very dificult to take new pics. NB: the  mounted panels shown in the main photo are not the ones I have, but very much like them. But the larger ones have gone now.

These are enormous terracotta architectural panel "bricks" from the Han dynasty some 2000 years old . They are probably from a Han tomb.

They are extremely heavy and I'm selling on the basis of "buyers collects" or at least arranges pick up or delivery! I cannot arrange shipping anywhere at all.


There are three sizes of the rectangular panels, large, very large and simply enormous !
Also a single decorative stag head brick and triangular panels.

All the panels have stamped decoration, on both sides, geometric patterns and rather charming birds.
The largest has also on one side a decoration mimicking a door handle.
They have longitudinal holes right through where no doubt they were held in place with poles.
One could use these holes to mount them as I'm going to do with one, in the garden.

  • A pair: 117cm x 37cm x 10.5cm only **SOLD**
  • A pair: 85.5 cm x 40 cm x 10.5 cm only £395 each. They are just slightly diferent from one another.
  •  A pair: 91cm x 24cm x 10cm (this is the more slender one shown) only £395 each
  • A pair of more or less triangular panels: 62cm x 40cm x11.5 cm only £225 each
  • Stag head panel: 35cm x 31cm x 16cm only £350 * SOLD**

Han dynasty, 206 BC - 220 AD

One of the larger ones in this group has been TL tested. Buyer can have a scan of the TL ceretifcate.

Apart from the stag head panel, they are being stored under cover outside the house.
They have been there for years! Have some moss growing on them but easy to remove and clean them.Can send more photos.

They are, apart from the stag head panel, extremely heavy and I'm selling on the basis of "buyer collects" or at least arranges pick up for delivery!

Price: From only 225 GBP

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