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There are hardly any items for sale beyond page 29 on the gallery here.

I have left so many sold items on show (and in the sold archive) as many collectors have said they find such photos and information useful to have.


4246. Bronze Age "spectacle fibula".

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Made from a single piece of beaten bronze wire, coiled to form the spiral shapes. The wire was cut from a bronze sheet and shaped by hammering, filing and abrasion.

These types of specatacle fibulae have been found in Bronze Age sites in Greece, Italy and The Balkans as well.

Overall good condition with intact retaining hoop but pin has broken so price much reduced. (I have the broken off piece)

116mm across.

European Bronze Age, 10th - 8th century BC

Alexander, J., "The Spectacle Fibulae of Southern Europe", American Journal of Archaeology, 69 (1965), 7-23.

Blinkenberg, C., Fibules Grecques et Orientales, Copenhagen, Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri, 1926, 253-262.

Hattatt, R., Ancient and Romano-British Brooches, Sherborne, Dorset Publishing Company, 1982, 182-184.


Alexander, J., "The Spectacle Fibulae of Southern Europe", American Journal of Archaeology, 69 (1965), Ill. 2, Type Ib.

Hattatt, R., Ancient and Romano-British Brooches, Sherborne, Dorset Publishing Company, 1982, Figs. 77, 186 (Type I) and 93, 186.

Merhav, R. et al, A Glimpse into the Past: The Joseph Ternbach Collection, Jerusalem, The Israel Museum, 1981, No. 139 (similar shape [Type 1b] with more spirals).

Price: 290 GBP

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