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There are hardly any items for sale beyond page 29 on the gallery here.
I have left so many sold items on show (and in the sold archive) as many collectors have said they find such photos and information useful to have.
4252.**SOLD** Fine and rare Cippus of Horus.
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A rather nice, small, and quite rare, Cippus of Horus in a hardstone which appears to be Feldspar.
These were used as talismans by the Egyptians, who placed them in their houses and gardens, and even buried them in the ground to protect themselves and their property from the attacks of dangerous beasts, reptiles, and insects.
It was believed that if one poured water over the cippus and recited a magical spell the water would obtain magical healing powers.
In fact some larger cippi were provided with basins in which to collect the healing water. It is noticeable that many stelae and smaller talismanic amuletic cippi like this one, are very worn in places and this was probably because people rubbed and kissed the little Harpokrates in order to gain his magical powers.
In the principal scene we see Harpocrates with the right sided lock of hair emblematic of youth, standing upon two crocodiles ; he grasps in one hand what appears to be a monkey and in the other another strange creature.
Above his head is a head of Bes. On his right Osiris, in the form of a hawk standing upon a sceptre, and wearing the Atef crown.
There is a suspension loop carved into the top of the cippus.
63mm x 41mm
Late Period, circa 600 BC
From a German collection
Price: sold GBP
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