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There are hardly any items for sale beyond page 29 on the gallery here.

I have left so many sold items on show (and in the sold archive) as many collectors have said they find such photos and information useful to have.


5985. **SOLD** A rare scarab: Sobekhotep IV

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For the 13th dynasty king, Sobekhotep IV

Reads: Kha Nefer Re Sobek Hotep

'The (very) appearance of the perfection of Re, Sobek is

Intact. Very finely and crisply cut. 15mm long

There has been debate 
about whether this type of scarab is 13th dynasty or a later, New
Kingdom commemorative scarab.  Opinion is
evenly divided on this. So it is either 13th dynasty or 18th/19th dynasty.

Cf: H R Hall Catalogue of Egyptian Scarabs, etc., inthe British Museum. (1913)Though he had incorrectly
attributed it to Sobekhotep III 

Ex my own collection and previously ex Gustav Moustaki
Collection: a  huge and varied collection
of antiques was formed at Alexandria during the second quarter of the twentieth
century and was legally exported from Egypt in 1949. The collection was
subsequently disbursed by sale by his heirs.

Price: sold GBP

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