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BOOK: The Emperor and the Coinage: Judio-Claudian Studies - Sutherland

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The Emperor and the Coinage: Judio-Claudian Studies

C.H.V Sutherland

Spink & Sons Limited; First Edition edition (1976)

Hardcover with dust jacket. Some minor tears fixed with cellotape.


132 pages and ,10 very fine collotype plates.


A hard to find book.

A comprehensive analysis relating to the various aspects of Julio-Claudian coinage such as who held the authority for minting coinage, monetary volume and supply, weight standards and profitability. Sutherland also discusses Augustus and the mint of Rome as well as his other major western and eastern mints. In addition, there is a detailed evaluation on the choice of coin types, discussing topics such as the dominant themes of Augustus' gold and silver, changes in the choice of types under Tiberius, and the versatile Claudian pattern of choice.

Fairly hard to find book.

Price: 45 GBP

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