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There are hardly any items for sale beyond page 29 on the gallery here.
I have left so many sold items on show (and in the sold archive) as many collectors have said they find such photos and information useful to have.
6045. Roman glass bracelets: only one left!
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Four Roman glass bracelets.
Each intact and wearable if you are careful.
All are 2nd-4th century though A could be as late as 6th century.
The measurements are the inner diameters. A: Opaque black glass with indented profile : 62mm In contrast with the paucity of black glass vessels, a wide range of black glass jewelry is known to have been produced in large quantities, in particular during the late Roman period (Loeschke, S. (1925). Frühchristliche Werkstätte für Glas Schmuck in Trier. 337–360. Trierer Heimatbuch, Trier). It is thought that children, and in particular young girls , wore black glass bracelets (Bayley, J., Freestone, I., & Jackson, C. (2015). Glass of the Roman World. SOLD B. Translucent green glass. 70mm SOLD C. Translucent blue glass with some attractive irridescence. 63mm D. Opaque marbled glass . 55mm £130 |
Price: From 115 GBP
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