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The archaeologist's manual for conservation - Bradley Rogers

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The archaeologist's manual for conservation Bradley A Rogers 

New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers  - 2004

An excellent book: very difficult to find.
The manual is a combination of highly technical as well as common sense methods of conserving wood, iron and other metals, ceramics, glass and stone, organics and composits.
In excellent condition but several pages with yellow highlighting.
214 Pages
Introduction : conservation is part of archaeology — 1
1 The minimal intervention laboratory — 7
2 Archaeological wood — 33
3 Archaeological iron (Fe) — 69
4 Archaeological copper (Cu) and copper alloys — 105
5 Miscellaneous archaeological metals : Au, Ag, Pb, Pewter, Sn, Al — 123
6 Archaeological ceramic, glass, and stone — 139
7 Organics other than wood — 159
8 Archaeological composites — 185
'This book is the culmination of over 10 years of work and the merging, expansion, and improvement of 2 previous works: Conservator's Cookbook and Conservation of Water Soaked Materials Bibliography. The Archaeologist's Manual for Conservation was developed through extensive documentary research, laboratory trial and error, and the feedback of both underwater and terrestrial archaeologists. It will become an indispensable reference for all archaeologists, laboratory technicians, archaeology students, curators, and conservators concerned with simple, proven, non-toxic, artifact conservation procedures'

Price: 50 GBP

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