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To either ENQUIRE or BUY a piece click the button you will see with each  item.

No impersonal 'shopping basket' system here. I prefer to do all this personally by email.




There are hardly any items for sale beyond page 29 on the gallery here.

I have left so many sold items on show (and in the sold archive) as many collectors have said they find such photos and information useful to have.


SICILY. Syracuse. Silver Tetradrachm - a really attractive example

Click smaller images to see enlarged
Open new window fully to see maximum enlargement.
SICILY. Syracuse.  Silver Tetradrachm - a really attractive example

Charioteer driving quadriga right,
holding kentron; Nike flying above, crowning horses

Diademed Head of Arethusa right,  wearing pearl necklace and pearl
diadem under which hair tucked up behind, four dolphins around swimming
clockwise. ΣYΡAKOΣIΩN
17.4g 24mm/25mm
cf: Boehringer 159
Deinomenid Tyranny - probably Gelon I 485-479BC
From my own collection. Acquired from B.A. Seaby Ltd in 1963.
A really lovely example of this coin type with large bold bust of Arethusa in very fine condition
Price: 1975 GBP

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NB: I ceased selling on eBay a very long time ago!

(I don't know how to remove the logo and link!)




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