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There are hardly any items for sale beyond page 29 on the gallery here.

I have left so many sold items on show (and in the sold archive) as many collectors have said they find such photos and information useful to have.


**SOLD** Quite rare painted pottery from Carthage

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A rare painted Punic red pink pottery the likes of  which I have not handled before. These usually had lids. See photos from book

Complete and intact but with a little surface accretion and some staining.
194mm 7.5 inches
3rd century BC

Photos from: Manuel d'archéologie punique / Pierre Cintas  - Paris : Ed. A. et J. Picard , 1970 -1976  2 vol.

With thanks to Max L and for accurate identifaction. I had misidentified this before.

Price: sold GBP

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