• These are just a small selection of the pieces I have recently sold
  • Do let me know if you are looking to acquire something similar to a piece you see here. Some of these sold items are just about unique but you never know!


449 - 464 of 584
**SOLD** Beautiful early Corinthian aryballos A BARGAIN!!
Price: sold
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**SOLD** An unsual and rare type of amulet

Price: sold
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**SOLD** Handsome and chunky engraved Roman bronze ring ?military motifs
Price: sold
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**SOLD** Extremely finely worked Hyksos scarab
Price: sold
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**SOLD**Lovely little Roman bronze lion
Price: sold
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**SOLD** Rare faience phallic amulet

Price: sold
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**SOLD** Tiny little blue faience crocodile amulet
Price: 0.00 GBP
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**SOLD** Rather elegant lock hasp with a lovely patina

Price: sold
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**SOLD** Very interesting early Christian ring: one of the 40 Martyrs of Sebasteia
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**SOLD** Nice wooden Egyptian funerary falcon; Sokar
Price: sold
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**SOLD** A really charming South Italian Greek Black Gloss mug

Price: sold
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**SOLD** Nice faience amulet of Bes
Price: sold
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**SOLD** A rather nice drip slip type Red burnished ware. 5000 years old!
Price: sold
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**SOLD** Very fine first century burial urn found in the UK
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**SOLD**Lovely Nabatean pyxis in perfect condition

Price: sold
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**SOLD**South Italian "salt"
Price: sold
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