• These are just a small selection of the pieces I have recently sold
  • Do let me know if you are looking to acquire something similar to a piece you see here. Some of these sold items are just about unique but you never know!


49 - 64 of 584
**SOLD** Asherah figurine head from ancient Judah

Price: sold
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**SOLD** Large Hyksos scarab seal
Price: sold
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**SOLD** Roman glass bottle : interesting shape.
Price: sold
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**SOLD** VERY UNUSUAL and large Kushan vessel.

Price: sold
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**SOLD** RARE Greek mythological terracotta plaque

Price: sold
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**SOLD** Large Luristan bronze mace head

Price: sold
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**SOLD** Rare scarab type, Bes, bucranium, crocodile and hand.

Price: sold
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**SOLD** Particularly nice Roman flared glass beaker
Price: sold
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**SOLD** North West "Persian" juglet from a well known old collection

Price: sold
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**SOLD** Wonderful Amlash cup; marvelous shape
Price: sold
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**SOLD** Nice Achaemenid bronze bowl
Price: sold
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**SOLD** Scarab for king Khaneferre, Sobekhotep IV
Price: sold
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**SOLD** Frog amulet with an Ankh sign on the base.

Price: sold
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**SOLD** A light blue faience funerary scarab
Price: sold
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**SOLD** Very fine named Egyptian 19th dynasty faience ushabti: Padjau.

Price: sold
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**SOLD*A rather unusual shaped Roman bottle
Price: sold
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