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Items in category EGYPTIAN:
177 - 192 of 218
4091. **SOLD** Very deeply cut Hyksos scarab
This scarab with the standard concentric circles is unusually  deeply cut and ma...
sold GBP
4065. **SOLD** Nice large Egyptian faience amulet of Bes
A rather nice quite large double sided angular faience amulet of Bes.Intact.44mmEgyptian, Late ...
sold GBP
4041. **SOLD** Fine faience Bes amulet
The back side is relatively plain and angular but what a nicely detailed face this faience amulet of...
sold GBP
1753.**SOLD** Nice named TIP shabti
A nice Third Intermediate Period shabti  with an inscription for the owner.Reads: "The Osi...
sold GBP
1646.**SOLD** Unusual Canaanite scaraboid with a motto
This is a very unusual Canaanite SIP scaraboid  which can be read as : Htp di m Tr neb, The goo...
sold GBP
3087.**SOLD** RARE type of scarab for Thothmes III
This motif in quite rare. I've only ever seen one once before and it isn't in Petrie.A monkey grabbi...
sold GBP
900. **SOLD** Painted Egyptian sarcophagus fragment
An Egyptian polychrome painted anthropoid wooden sarcophagus fragment. Showing the tips of the wings...
sold GBP
1706. **SOLD** PUBLISHED 25th dynasty Royal lentoid plaque
A white faience lentoid plaque for the King Shabaka of the 25th dynasty.Substantially intact.57mm x ...
sold GBP
1755. **SOLD*** Attractive and very unusual named faience ushabti
A quite slender pale green ushabti, very crisply preserved with fine detailing and apart from the ti...
sold GBP
1890. **SOLD** Egyptian scarab with royal cartouche of Thuthmose III
A small but fine steatite scarab showing the king (note cobra on headdress) and his cartou...
sold GBP
1162. **SOLD** A very interesting named New Kingdom shabti: famous person or not?
 A very interesting named New Kingdom shabti: famous person or not? Is this the ...
sold GBP
1798. **SOLD** Very fine steatite scarab for Thuthmose III
A very fine steatite scarab, with  a particularly good back and surface. Inscribed for Thuthmos...
sold GBP
1845. **SOLD** Egyptian scarab for Ramases II with rare eipthet
This basic type is not that uncommon , but try to find an example with this epithet! The central car...
sold GBP
1778.**SOLD** Lovely Egyptian bronze APIS BULL
A very attractive Egyptian bronze Apis bull.Very nice incised detailing.Nice warm light brown patina...
sold GBP
1754. **SOLD** Handsome named Late Period ushabti
A good and rather handsome Late Period faience ushabti with a good face and  with clear hierogl...
sold GBP
1730.**SOLD** Very fine fragmentary green faience heart scarab
RESERVED within five minutes!This is a very fine (fragmentary) green faience heart scarab.It muist h...
sold GBP
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