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Items in category EGYPTIAN:
113 - 128 of 230
5914.**SOLD** Rare Bastet cat amulet with a kitten
A rare form of the Bastet cat amulet with a kitten in front of her. The type is shown in Car...
Sold GBP
4310. **SOLD** 15th dynasty scarab with pseudo cartouches
A  handsome Second Intermediate Period steatite scarab with a double pseudo cartouche and a nic...
sold GBP
4600. **SOLD** Very good MK/SIP steatite scarab
A good steatite scarab with a pseudo-cartouche above a /Nub sign for gold ad surrounded by bilateral...
sold GBP
5893. **SOLD** Lovely amulets, the sisters Isis and Nephthys.
Isis and Nephthys were the mythological sister deities and this pair have been together since t...
sold GBP
1617a. **SOLD** Nice blue faience funerary scarab.
A nice light blue example though the loop underneath has broken off. These are usually quite fr...
sold GBP
5841.**SOLD** Nice example of an interesting Egyptian "motto "scarab
A nice example of an interesting Egyptian 'motto' scarab The inscription is : mn rn.k hpr msw.t-k ...
sold GBP
5867. **SOLD** Very fine faience amulet of a hare
A very attractive light green faience amulet of hare. Intact 26mm Late Period, circa 50...
sold GBP
5816. **SOLD** Royal funerary cone - a princess/daughter of the king
Funerary cone for Amenirdis a royal princess - daughter of a king! Davies and Macadam (and D...
sold GBP
5845. **SOLD** Superb stone amulet of crowned Horus falcon
A wonderfully made dark green-grey schist amulet of a the crowned Horus falcon. Truly a superb th...
sold GBP
**SOLD** Very attractive and unusual Canaanite scarab
A handsome Canaanite steatite scarab, very well executed and with an unusual back.Winged s...
sold GBP
5314. Interesting inscribed Wedjat plaque
A small dark blue faience plaque  with the Eye  of Horus on one side and a slightly bungle...
115 GBP
5815. **SOLD** Fairly rare Egyptian motto scarab
A fairly rare motto scarab It reads: Praise the Lord of the North and the South. The alternative r...
sold GBP
123G. **SOLD** Very nice faience shabti for an IMY-KHENT PRIEST
A nice green faience (going slightly brown) shabti for an Imy Khent priest. Reads: "The Os...
sold GBP
5818. **SOLD** A really superb blue faience ring
A really superb blue faience ring An openwork design showing a seated goddess, Maat. Intact, real...
sold GBP
5361. **SOLD** A scarab for King Sheshi
A very nice example of a scarab for the early king Maaibre Sheshi. Intact 18mm 14th/15th dynasty ...
sold GBP
5124. **SOLD** Good New Kingdom ushabti
This late New Kingdom faience shabti was with me a few years aback�.and  now is back with me,...
sold GBP
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NB: I ceased selling on eBay a very long time ago!

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