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Items in category EGYPTIAN:
129 - 144 of 218
5644. **SOLD** Fine Egyptian funerary cone for Montu
A nice more or less complete Egyptian funerary cone for Montu jmAxy xr Asjr jrj-aA n j...
sold GBP
5636. **SOLD** Late New Kingdom shabti with nice clear and readable hieroglyphs
This ushabti has nice large and clear hieroglyphs and reads for the owner named Hr- m-Hqa &n...
sold GBP
5628. **SOLD** Painted stucco from exterior of a sarcophagus
Painted stucco from exterior of a sarcophagus:  parts of three vertical lines of text...
sold GBP
4977.**SOLD** Very nice pair of bronze and limestone eyes.
A very nice pair of bronze and limestone eyes and the bronze brows as well, from an anthropoid coffi...
sold GBP
5398. **SOLD** Cut end on funerary cone for Ineni: very famous fellow
Cut end on funerary cone for Ineni,Avery important man who served the kings Amenhotep I, Thuthmosis ...
sold GBP
5315.**SOLD** Amulet of Thoth as an Ibis
A nice faience amulet of Thoth as an IbisIntact though has entirely lost its original surface glazeT...
sold GBP
5290. **SOLD** Very nice faience hare amulet
A particularly nice small light blue faience amulet of a harewith  nice detailing for its size:...
sold GBP
1442. **SOLD** Very intriguing, unusual, finely coloured praise scaraboid
One does not all that often come across scaraboids with good glaze remaining. More than that, one do...
sold GBP
5235. **SOLD** Egyptian New Kingdom blue painted pottery shards
Some shards of Egyptian New Kingdom blue painted pottery.Joined together these six fragments, which ...
sold GBP
4910.**SOLD** Fine Romano-Egyptian comb
Although common in the Predynastic Period, the comb was not used in Pharaonic Egypt and returned to ...
sold GBP
5185. **SOLD** Attractive New Kingdom shabti for ISTY. New Kingdom.
This rather attractive and interesting faience New Kingdom ushabti was in my hands a few years ago: ...
sold GBP
5190. **SOLD** Interesting type of oblong gaming die
An interesting  "long  die" made of a dense hardwood.The faces show 6,  2, 1 and 5.Th...
sold GBP
5155. **SOLD** Very good faience amulet of a crocodile
A really good faience amulet of a crocodile.Slightly larger than these usually are.Intact.34mm longL...
sold GBP
5149.**SOLD** Very rare scarab for Yakbim Sekhaenre
A rather rare royal scarab for a 14th dynasty king.Although  there is some damage at the h...
sold GBP
5146.**SOLD** Rather cute little Egyptian bronze amulet of Anubis
A rather cute little Egyptian bronze amulet of Anubis.Has a charmingly long snout.Suspension loop on...
sols GBP
4928. **SOLD** An exceptionally fine blue faience Wedjat amulet
A really very fine blue faience Wedjat Eye of Horus in really exceptional condition. A wonderfu...
sold GBP
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